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You can integrate your chatbot as a Zapier step. With a few clicks, you can connect your chatbot with over 6000 apps that support Zapier integration.

This guide assumes you already have a chatbot at If not, follow one of these guides to create your chatbot by feeding it documents about your products:

Enable Your Chatbot for RESTful API Access

This step is performed at

On your chatbot's main screen, select Security, then the API Key tab. If REST API access is already enabled and you have the API key, you can use that for Zapier integration. Otherwise, click Generate API Key to create a new key.

Enable Rest API

Prepare Google Worksheet

This step is performed on your Google Sheets account.

Create a Google worksheet and name the columns in the first row to match your data fields.

Prepare Google Worksheet

Denser Chatbot as Trigger

This step is performed at

A zap is an automated workflow that integrates multiple apps. A zap consists of a trigger and one or more actions. Denser chatbot can be configured as either a trigger or an action. This section demonstrates configuring it as a trigger. The example zap involves sending a question to your chatbot and recording the outputs in Google Sheets.

Example Zap

To create this workflow, start by creating a new zap.

Create New Zap

Configure Your Chatbot as Trigger

  1. Click the Trigger step, search for DenserAI, and select it.
  2. In the App & event tab, select the event When Question Process by Your Chatbot.
  3. In the Account tab, provide your chatbot ID and the REST Access Key from
  4. In the Test tab, an example output should be returned. Click Continue with selected Record.

Complete Trigger Configuration

Configure Google Sheets as Action

  1. Search for Google Sheets and select it.
  2. In the App & event tab, select the event Create Spreadsheet Row.
  3. In the Account tab, authenticate to your Google account.
  4. In the Action tab, fill in the fields with the Google worksheet prepared earlier. Click Refresh to display fields matching your columns. Map each field to the corresponding output from the chatbot trigger.

Configure Google Sheets action

  1. In the Test tab, click Test step to verify the example output is added to your Google worksheet.

Publish the zap workflow. Each time you send a question to your chatbot, the response will be added as a new row in Google Sheets.

Denser Chatbot as Action

This step is performed at

The following example zap involves three steps: a user asks a question in a Slack channel, the DenserAI chatbot answers, and the answer is posted back to the Slack channel.

Example Zap

Configure Slack as Trigger

  1. Click the Trigger step, search for Slack, and select it.
  2. In the App & event tab, select the event New Message Posted to Channel.
  3. In the Account tab, authenticate to your Slack account.
  4. In the Trigger tab, select a Slack channel.

Configure Slack as Trigger

Configure DenserAI Chatbot as Action

  1. Click the Action step, search for DenserAI, and select it.
  2. In the App & event tab, select the event Process Input Text.
  3. In the Account tab, provide your chatbot ID and the REST Access Key from
  4. In the Action tab, select the Text property of the Slack message for the Question field.

Configure Chatbot Account

Configure Slack as Output Action

  1. Click the + icon below the DenserAI step to add another step. Select Slack as the app.
  2. In the App & event tab, select the event Send Channel Message.
  3. In the Account tab, select your Slack account.
  4. In the Action tab, select the Slack channel and set the Message Text field to the Answer property from the DenserAI step. Set Send as a bot? to "Yes".

Publish the zap workflow. Each time a message is sent to the chatbot, the response will be posted back to the Slack channel.

Configure Lead Generation with Zapier Workflow

For lead generation, chat can be configured as a Zapier trigger. See Integrate Lead Generation with Zapier Workflow.

Embed Zapier within

This step is performed at

On your chatbot's screen, select Integration and then click Install button on the Zapier tile.

Select tile for Zapier integration

The editor is the same as the one on the Zapier website. Follow the guide in the Create workflow at Zapier section.

The popup window displays the current chatbot selected for Zapier integration. Copy and paste the chatbot ID when configuring the DenserAI chatbot account.

Embed Zapier Editor in

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