DenserAIDenserAI Docs

DenserChat API

You can build your own applications/services based on Denser REST API.

This guide assumes you already have a chatbot at If not, follow one of these guides to create your chatbot by feeding it documents about your products:

Generate API Key

On the main screen of your selected chatbot, make sure you selected Security. Then select API Key tab under the Security panel.

If REST API access has been enabled and you know the API key, you can use that existing API key for Zapier integration. Otherwise, click Generate API Key button to generate a new API key.

Enable Rest API

Find your chatbot Id

Select Chat above Security on the screen of your selected chatbot. Chatbot Id can be found on the right side panel after selecting the Chat page.

Find Chatbot Id

API Endpoints

Now you can use the following endpoints to interact with your chatbot.

API Reference

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