DenserAIDenserAI Docs
IntegrationsInstall on


Integrate your chatbot with Slack. Ask your chatbot questions from a Slack channel and receive responses as Slack reply messages.

This guide assumes you already have a chatbot at If not, follow one of these guides to create your chatbot by feeding it documents about your products:

Simple Slack Integration

On your chatbot's main screen, select Integrations. You should see a page similar to the screenshot below.

Select tile for Slack integration

If your chatbot has not been integrated with any Slack workspace before, the Slack integration tile will look like this. Click the Install button to start the integration process.

Slack integration tile

You will be redirected to the Slack authentication page. Click the Allow button to grant your chatbot access to your Slack workspace. If you have multiple workspaces, use the dropdown menu at the top right corner to select the workspace you want to integrate with.

Note: DenserAI requests minimal permissions to access your Slack workspace. You can review the permissions requested by Denser chatbot as shown in the expanded view below.

Choose Slack workspace

Test Slack Integration

After successful integration, your Slack integration tile will display the name of the integrated Slack workspace.

Slack integration tile

To test the integration, create a dedicated Slack channel to avoid disturbing other users. In this channel, create a new message starting with @DenserAI followed by your question. Wait a few seconds for your chatbot to process the question, and you will see the reply within the thread.

Revoke Slack Integration

To revoke Slack integration, click the red Uninstall button on the Slack integration tile. This will delete the token and revoke the chatbot's access to your Slack workspace.

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