DenserAIDenserAI Docs

AWS Marketplace

Subscribe to DenserAI billing from AWS Marketplace.

Find Denser on AWS Marketplace

To find Denser on AWS Marketplace, please visit AWS Marketplace and search for Denser Search and Chat, or go directly to the Denser product page.


Subscribing to the Denser product unlocks additional features and higher usage capacity. Follow these steps to subscribe:

  1. Go to the Denser product page and click the View purchase options button to access the purchase screen.

  2. Click the Subscribe button to subscribe to the Denser product.

  3. After subscribing, set up your Denser account by clicking the Setup your account button.

  4. You will be redirected to the Denser registration screen with a reference to your subscription. If you already have a free trial account with Denser, click the Already have an account Login button to switch to the login screen.

    Denser Registration

  5. After signing up or logging in, the reference to your AWS Marketplace subscription will be synced to your Denser account. You can verify your subscription and current plan by clicking your avatar in the Denser web app (e.g., Basic in the screenshot below).

    AWS Marketplace Subscription

Change Subscription

You can change your subscription contract after the initial purchase. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Upgrade current contract tab.

  2. Select a subscription contract that is different from your current one.

  3. The Modify current contract button will become enabled. Click it to proceed with changing your subscription.

    Update Entitlement

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